Accretion & Erosion

Natural boundaries move over time. Staig & Smith have a depth of understanding of natural boundary definitions arising from the definition of many and varied natural boundaries over the years.

Accretion & Erosion

Accretion & Erosion

Staig & Smith have longstanding experience in dealing with surveying natural boundaries and defining areas of accretion (build up of land) or erosion (loss of land) through the movement of natural boundaries e.g. coastline or river boundaries.

In some cases, significant land areas can be claimed through accretion to a Certificate of Title.

In order to lodge an accretion claim, it is necessary to survey the current natural boundary and establish that the movement of the boundary over time is gradual and imperceptible.

We research underlying historical survey records, aerial photos and other evidence in the course of determining the extent of accretion or erosion.

A survey plan is then prepared to support amendments to the certificate of title.

81 Selwyn Place
New Zealand
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248 Montreal Street
New Zealand
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NZ Institute of
Surveyors Award of
Excellence for the
Galeo Estate Project