Dam Monitoring
Waiiti Dam Monitoring - Wakefield
Staig & Smith were engaged to provide on-going monitoring of a water storage dam at 88 Valley.
Monitoring is carried out by using Leica's 'Sets of Angles' functions which controls automated pointing of a servo driven theodolite. Sets of Angles requires an initial round of manual observations after which the theodolite 'remembers' the location of the target reflectors and further repetitions of observations are then automated. The on-board software calculates the residuals for inspection onsite to ensure residuals are within acceptable limits and outliers to be eliminated from calculations.
Typically on any given visit to the site, multiple automated rounds of observations are taken to then allow meaning (or averaging) of results and a report generated which provides confidence limits for the results generated on a particular day (typically within the range of several millimetres). There are minor variations in results over the course of a site visit due to temperature and humidity along with the accuracy limits of the equipment employed and it is these minor variations which need to be understood and dealt with in accordance with statistical principles. Measures are taken to reduce the effect of atmospheric conditions along with attention to the initial configuration of reference and monitoring points to ensure a strong geometry within the constraints of the site.